I believe the Bible can change you.
This is at the heart of everything for Flectio. No tool or resource will ever bring about the changes you need in your life the way humbling yourself before Almighty God can.
He created you. He’s the original designer. He knows what you were created for. We’re broken because of sin and we can’t fix ourselves, so He did what we couldn’t: through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, the Creator went out of His way to bring us back to Him, washed us clean of our sin, and adopted us as children in His glorious kingdom. So don’t you think He wants to help you? And after everything He’s done, don’t you believe He’s more than capable to make it happen?
But it doesn’t just happen. We need to come, willing and humble before Him—regularly. Sometimes that’s difficult, which is why Flectio desires to help; by offering you tools and resources which encourage you to intentionally engage God through His Word.
I believe the Bible can change you. And because I believe it so strongly, it starts with me. I need to spend time in humble submission, regularly.
Before any of us can truly make a God-sized impact, we have to make the commitment—ourselves—to spend time in His Word with an open heart and ears that hear.