- Read today’s Bible reading?
- Choose a Bible reading plan?
- Spend time in prayer?
- Ask a friend how their walk with God is going?
- Find a small group or Bible Study?
- Start a small group or Bible Study?
- Ask someone to mentor you?
- Reach-out to disciple another person?
- Begin tithing?
- Sign-up to serve at your church?
- Sign-up to serve in your community?
- Find a church home?
- Tell someone what God is doing in you?
- Get baptized?
- Pray with your spouse/family/friend?
- Write down what God is teaching you?
- Reconcile with someone?
- Ask someone for help?
- Offer to help someone else?
- Memorize a passage of Scripture?
- Start fasting?
- Stop and worship outside of the Sunday morning context?
- Encourage someone?
- Revisit a book of the Bible/a teaching/an old journal?
Well, which is it?
What are you going to do about it?